SOMA: Safe Mode update released, stops monsters from killing you

Classic Games

Wires and claws won’t break my bones…

SOMA, the sensational adventure of unsettling technohorror riding on an undercurrent of existential questions, just received a free update dubbed Safe Mode.

By activating this optional mode, you’ll be free to explore every underwater spook and cranny without worrying about suffering the curious cat’s fate. Make no mistake, though: here there still be monsters. Even if their interactions with you can no longer prove fatal, they’ll make sure you’re plenty uncomfortable and that the game’s threatening atmosphere remains a big part of the experience.

But if you’ve been dreading your encounters with their Game Over-inducing claws, now is the time to come out from under the bed and give this horror gem a try.
We promise it won’t bite. Much.

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Source:: GOG – Good Old Games


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