Release: Sunless Skies

Let me pray among the stars. Sunless Skies is now available out of In Development, DRM-free. Get it 10% off until February 11th, 6pm UTC. Lose yourself and go loco driving your steam-powered locomotive through stars full of deadly secrets, pirates, and tormented souls with blood-curdling stories to tell.Navigate the terrible beauty of the night […]

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Release: Re-Legion

Show them the (neon) light. Re-Legion is now available DRM-free. Get it 10% off until February 11th, 6pm UTC. In 2184, technology has got society on a short -wired- leash. As the enlightened prophet of a new religion, preach your convictions to the uninitiated and when your cult achieves critical mass, wage war on the […]

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Release: JYDGE

I AM THE LAW! JYDGE is now available DRM-free. Get it 60% off until February 6th, 2pm UTC. Prosecution is passé, execution is the future of police work! Outfit your cybernetic JYDGE with cool murder toys that fit your playstyle, storm the baddies of Edenbyrg and show them crime doesn’t pay; it limps. Extravagant top-down […]

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Release: Sengoku Jidai GOLD

Blades of history. Sengoku Jidai GOLD is now available DRM-free. Get it 50% off until February 6th, 2pm UTC. East Asia was a messy place during the 16th-17th century. Your job is to bring order, even if that means introducing chaos, strife, and political opportunism. This layered turn-based strategy brings the power struggle between China, […]

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