duke edge duke nukem 3d user map


Duke Nukem Duke Nukem 3D Maps
duke edge duke nukem 3d user map

‘ DukeEdge.map!
Created by: Robman
August: 2013

In 2013 I created The Edge (q2dm1) from scratch for Shadow Warrior.
This is a convertion of the Sw Map. I tried to keep the design true to the original Quake 2 map.
Took me about 24 hours of creation and testing for the original map, and an additional 10 hours to get it fully converted to work with Duke3d. The lighting effect and the sprite elevator works better with eduke32 however the map also works fine with x/h and original Duke.

Finch(Sonar), on Meltdown gave me the idea to convert the map, so I bumbled around with the Duke tagging system which I’ve never used and tried to get it working. It should be mentioned though that the first map I ever created was for Duke 16 years ago, it was very basic with no sector effects the rest of my mapping has been for Sw. I hope you Dukers enjoy the map 🙂

Visit Shadow Warrior Central
www.wangsdojo.net or www.swcentral.weebly.com
2 URLs same great site( I created it, Sw Rocks ;)’

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